The implants themselves are small titanium posts that are placed in the jaw where teeth are missing. The bone grows around the implant creating a secure bond over a three to six month period. Implants stimulate the surrounding jaw bone and preserve its integrity just as the original tooth would have done. The jaw bone in the site of a missing tooth will always shrink and resorb away without this stimulation, which will cause adjacent teeth to move or have future gum problems.

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jaw bone. In most cases there is a small healing cap that rises just above the gum line that Dr. Frey can later unscrew. Once the jaw bone has bonded to the implant, Dr. Frey can attach a foundation piece, called an abutment, to the implant. The abutment rises above the gum line and can be shaped to support a crown, dental bridge, or can snap into the underside of a full or partial removable denture.
Crowns and bridges supported by a dental implant appear very natural and function just like the original teeth. For patients who have had trouble with keeping a denture in place, they can now snap their denture onto a secure post which allows them to eat practically anything they want!
Dental implants require sufficient remaining height and width of jaw bone to hold them in place. Dr. Frey can evaluate this for you. If you want to learn more about dental implants and whether you might be a candidate for implant dentistry, then please call the office at (707) 800-3556 to set up a consultation. You will have the opportunity to get answers to any questions or concerns you might have about dental implants; we believe that an informed patient is able to make the best decision about their oral health.

Important x- rays obtained, measurements and cleaning done. Enjoyed conversing with staff and Dr Frey.